

2017-09-08  点击:次  故事屋

12 如果我们一直消极的活着,那么这辈子就一点指望也没有了

"If we have a negative alive, then this life is a little hope is gone "

13 人生的梦想靠汗水去实现,幸福的生活靠双手创造

"Dream of life by the sweat to achieve, by the hands to create a happy life"

14 是人就会有梦想,但是梦想和现实是有差距的,只有那些坚持梦想的人才有可能把梦想实现

"People will have a dream, but there is a gap between dreams and reality,the only people who insist dream possible to realize a dream "

15 人生出现逆境的时候不要气馁,不要妥协,而是要选择坚强的面对

"Life appeared not to be discouraged when adversity, do not compromise, but to choose a strong face "

16 成功离我有时候很近,只要你在坚持一下,就能尝到胜利的果实。

"Success away from me sometimes close, as long as you adhere to it, you can taste the fruits of victory. "

17 不要害怕被拒绝,我们被拒绝的次数越多,我们就成长的越快

"Do not be afraid to be rejected, the more times we were rejected, we will grow faster "

18 面对生活的坎坷我们要时刻保持微笑,时刻保持一个积极的心态

We have to face the ups and downs of life keep smiling and keep a positive attitude

19 不怕吃苦的人吃一阵子就不吃苦了,怕吃苦的人吃一辈子苦

"Afraid of hardship people suffer not eat for a while, afraid of hardship people eat bitter life "

20 选择一条适合自己的道路然后坚持不懈的走下去,只要你能做到足够的坚持,你就一定能走到胜利的那一天

"Select a suitable and perseverance to go on the road, as long as you can do enough to stick, you will be able to come to the victory of the day "

21 人生在世没有过不去的坎,只要你扎扎实实一步一步的往前走,幸福的彼岸就一定能够到达

"A life does not make life difficult for the Hom, a solid step by step as you move forward, for happiness will be able to reach "

22 世上的任何人都无法预知未来,但是我们可以以一种愉快的心情来面对命运

"Anyone in the world are unable to predict the future, but we can in a happy mood to face the fate of"



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