

2017-09-05  点击:次  故事屋


她为新郎和新娘跳起了优美的舞蹈,大家兴高采烈地为她喝彩,她从来没有跳得这么开心过,尽管这将是她最后的舞蹈。 她为他离开了亲人,付出了美妙的声音、每天忍受痛苦,可是这一切他却什么都不知道。





The daughter of the sea

In the far, deep ocean, there was the castle of Sea King. He had been alone for many years. His mother helped him. She was a wise woman, especially for her care of her grand-daughters. They were six beautiful children, but the youngest was the prettiest of them all. Like her sisters, her feet were a fish’s tail.

The little mermaid was interested in listening to the wonderful stories about the land from her grandmother. “When you are fifteen,” said her grandmother, “you will have permission to rise up out of the sea.” Her five elder sisters had already been there. She wished her birthday could come sooner.

At last she reached her fifteenth year. She rose as lightly as a bubble to the surface of the water. The sea was calm, and a large ship lay on the water. There was music and song on board. The little mermaid swam close to the ship.



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