

2017-09-27  点击:次  故事屋


The Strange Musician

Once upon a time there was a strange musician who was walking through the woods all by himself, thinking about this and that. When there was nothing left for him to think about, he said to himself, "It is boring here in the woods. I am going to get myself a good companion."

Then he took his fiddle from his back, and played a tune that sounded through the trees.

Before long a wolf came trotting through the thicket toward him.

"Ah, a wolf is coming. I have no desire for him," said the musician, but the wolf came nearer and said to him, "Ah, dear musician, you play very well. I too would like to learn to play."

"You can learn quickly," answered the musician. "You will only have to do what I tell you."

"Oh, musician," said the wolf, "I will obey you like a pupil obeys his teacher."

The musician told him to come along with him, and when they had walked some distance together, they came to an old oak tree. It was hollow inside and split up the middle.

"Look," said the musician, "if you want learn to play the fiddle, put your forepaws into this crack."

The wolf obeyed, and the musician quickly picked up a stone, and with one blow wedged his two paws so firmly that he had to stay lying there like a prisoner.

"Wait here until I return," said the musician, and went on his way.


After a while he again said to himself, "It is boring here in the woods. I will get myself another companion."

He took his fiddle and again played into the woods. Before long a fox came creeping through the trees toward him.

"Ah, a fox is coming," said the musician. "I have no desire for him."

The fox came up to him and said, "Oh, dear musician, you play very well. I too would like to learn to play."

"You can learn quickly," said the musician. "You will only have to do what I tell you."



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