

2017-04-19  点击:次  故事屋

The little fish swam back and forth in the pond and was sad, and the little lamb walked back and forth in the meadow and was sad, and would not eat. She would not even touch one blade of grass. Thus a long time passed, and then some strangers came as guests to the castle.



The treacherous stepmother thought, "Now is my chance," and called the cook and said to him, "Go and fetch the lamb from the meadow and slaughter it. We have nothing else for our guests."


The cook went and got the little lamb, took her into the kitchen, and tied her feet together. She bore all this patiently. The cook then took out his knife and was whetting it on the doorstep in order to kill the little lamb when he saw how a little fish was swimming back and forth in the water in front of the gutter and looking up at him. This was the little brother, for when the little fish saw the cook take the little lamb away, he followed them, swimming along the pond as far as the house.


Then the little lamb cried down to him:oh little brother in the lake,my sad heart is about to break.The cook, he makes his knife so sharp to stab it then into my heart.


The little fish answered:Oh little sister, way up there,my sad heart also soon will break,deep down here in this lake.



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